The first two Zombie Bloodbath films have grown and become mini-classics to fans around the world - Part One is a cult classic and Part Two is a bigger and better film, and a winner of four awards from various film festivals across the globe including one each in Italy and Germany. Todd had announced that a third was being planned at the end of Part Two - to complete the trilogy.  FIVE years later, it finally happened.  This one will pelase the gore crowd but also it should find a crossover audience that producer Brian Eklund is hoping for.  "Brian was really wanting to tone down the over-the-top gore stuff,"  Sheets explained. "And I can understand why from hsi point of view, but I was all about it... we found other ways to be creative though and found a nice balance I think.  It's like Breakfast Club meets Fulci's Zombie!!!"

Here are some pics to drool over !

Behind the Screams of ZB3
Come check out some pics of stuff that goes on behind the scenes.

Letter from Todd Sheets to Cast, Crew and Zombies
Todd is very excited and very proud of the accomplishments so far on this film.
Click above to read his heart-felt letter of appreciation to all involved!



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